Hussain and Zakia lost their father in Mirza Olang Taliban attack. The militants took his father, grandfather and uncle and tied their hands in front of him. 

Hassan was so terrified after the incident. “He screams so loud and wakes up during the nights,” said Hassian’s mother, Marzia. She said: “Since then, he is even not able to go to the bathroom to pie alone in a bright daylight.” 

Photo: NRC/Enayatullah Azad
Hussain och Zakia förlorade sin far när en väpnad grupp attackerade deras by. Foto: Enayatullah Azad/Flyktninghjälpen.

Hussain skriker av skräck om natten

Publicerat 24. aug 2017
Den 4 augusti attackerade en väpnad grupp en by i norra Afghanistan. Många dödades och många togs till fånga. Det här är historien om några av dem som lyckades fly.

Hussain och Zakia förlorade sin far när en väpnad grupp attackerade deras by. Invånare i byn berättar att det var talibanerna som attackerade dem.

- De tog deras far, farfar och farbror och band ihop deras händer på ryggen, precis framför pojkarnas ögon, berättar pojkarnas mamma Marzia, 28 år.

Vågar inte gå på toaletten

Hussain blev väldigt rädd.

- Han skriker av skräck på nätterna, säger hans mamma. Nu vågar han inte gå på toaletten ensam, inte ens mitt på dagen.

Sayed Gul Hussain, 42, with her daughter Zakira, 12, and his relative, Ismail Alambai.

Gul’s wife and three children managed to escape from the village, but two of her daughters was abducted with 235 other women and children by Taliban militants.

Hussain who managed to escape from the entrance of the village to the mountains said that he had spent two nights without food or water. 

“My brother and I gave the children to women and tied them on back of our donkeys. When the militants blocked the village entrance, I managed to escape. My brother couldn’t leave his children. they took him and killed him later,” he said.

Now Gul Hussain, a farmer, has to take care of two families of twelve. Displaced from his farm and livelihoods, his prospects look bleak.
Photo: NRC/Enayatullah Azad
Sayed Gul Hussain (i mitten), dotter Zakira, 12 år, och deras släkting Ismail Alambai lyckades fly. Foto: Enayatullah Azad/Flyktinghjälpen.

Tvingades lämna gården

- Jag lyckades fly. Men min bror blev kvar, han kunde inte ge sig iväg utan sina barn. De tog honom senare och dödade honom.

Det berättar Sayed Gul Hussain, 42 år. Tillsammans med sin fru och sina tre barn lyckades han fly från byn.

Gul Hussain är bonde och tvingades lämna gården när familjen flydde. Nu har de förlorat sin försörjning och framtiden ser dyster ut.

Gul Hussian’s sister-in-law Adila, 37, and her four children was among 235 women and children that was abducted by the Taliban militants.

Adila and her husband, sayed hassan, tied the children on back of family donkey and tried to escape from the village, when the Taliban advanced further in the village. They walked in the dark for almost two hours.  But the armed militants cut off their route in the valley, stopping them from reaching safety in the provincial capital.

“When the armed [militants] blocked us, my husband stood by us. He didn’t leave. My brother-in-law escaped and requested him, but he couldn’t leave us.”
The Taliban militants took Adila’s husband and his 13-year-old son, Kumail. He left her son later and killed her husband.

“His hands were tied on the back. The Taliban was pushing him forward and he was turning his head back seeing us. Wish he escaped; he would be alive now,” Said Adila. And now, Adila has to take care of three son a daughter alone.

 “My father pledged Taliban commander to release me, he let me join women” said Adila’s son Kumail.

Kumail was terrified and can’t sleep properly now, said his mother.
Photo: NRC/Enayatullah Azad
Gul Hussains svägerska Adila, 37 år, och hennes fyra barn. Adilas man dödades när väpnade män intog deras by den 4 augusti 2017. Foto: Enayatullah Azad/Flyktninghjälpen.

Maken dödades

Gul Hussains svägerska Adila, 37 år, och hennes man placerade barnen på åsnor och försökte fly från byn. De gick i beckmörker i två timmar innan de stoppades. Väpnade män tog tillfånga maken och deras 13-årige son. Sonen släpptes senare, men Adilas make dödades.

- De band ihop hans händer på ryggen och knuffade honom framför sig. Han vände sig om och tittade på oss. Jag önskar att han hade lyckats fly. Då hade han levt nu.

Adila är nu ensam med tre söner och en dotter.

Adila mother of four among the IDP women in Sar-e-pul Province.

Gul Hussian’s sister-in-law Adila, 37, and her four children was among 235 women and children that was abducted by the Taliban militants.

Adila and her husband, sayed hassan, tied the children on back of family donkey and tried to escape from the village, when the Taliban advanced further in the village. They walked in the dark for almost two hours.  But the armed militants cut off their route in the valley, stopping them from reaching safety in the provincial capital.

“When the armed [militants] blocked us, my husband stood by us. He didn’t leave. My brother-in-law escaped and requested him, but he couldn’t leave us.”
The Taliban militants took Adila’s husband and his 13-year-old son, Kumail. He left her son later and killed her husband.

“His hands were tied on the back. The Taliban was pushing him forward and he was turning his head back seeing us. Wish he escaped; he would be alive now,” Said Adila. And now, Adila has to take care of three son a daughter alone.

 “My father pledged Taliban commander to release me, he let me join women” said Adila’s son Kumail.

Kumail was terrified and can’t sleep properly now, said his mother.
Photo: NRC/Enayatullah Azad
De här kvinnorna lyckades fly, några efter tre dygn i fångenskap. Foto: Enayatullah Azad/Flyktninghjälpen.

Lyckades fly

Den väpnade gruppen tog tillfånga kvinnor och barn och dödade männen.

Dessa kvinnor lyckades fly till provinshuvudstaden, några efter att ha hållits fångade i tre dygn.

Ghulam Yahya, 72, among his grandchildren Hania, 6, on left and Ayatullah, 9, on the right hand in Chilangum, inside provincial capital of Sar-e-Pul city.

He was held captive and tortured by Taliban militants, but he was so lucky they didn’t kill him.

Malek yahya was among the village men that Taliban had separated them from women. They didn’t kill him, but tortured and interrogate him. “They didn’t kill me because I was Malek and had good relation with my neighbors and the Taliban knew me or because I was suffering from diabetes and my eyes have lost sight,” he said.

“They tortured me and were questioning me about the village men and weapon. They searched every houses and looted them. They took all animals and distributed the house assets among them.” 

Malek yahya was among 235 including women and children abducted by Taliban militants on August 4, and was released on 8 August 2017, but over 70 were summarily executed.
Photo: NRC/Enayatullah Azad
Ghulam Yahya, 72 år, och barnbarnen Hania, 6 år (till vänster) och Ayatullah, 9 år (till höger). Foto: Enayatullah Azad/Flyktninghjälpen.


Ghulam Yahya, 72 år, tillfångatogs och torterades av den väpnade gruppen. Han är inte helt säker på varför de inte dödade honom.

Han berättar att de torterade honom och frågade ut honom om männen i byn.

- De sökte genom varje hus och plundrade dem. De tog alla våra husdjur och delade det de hittade mellan sig.

Dordana, 47, and her sister-in-law, Marzia, 28, have left with thirteen children. All male family members even the seventeen-year-old Baqir were killed during the Mirza Olang attack on August 5. 

The armed militant group blocked the way while the family were fleeing from the village. The Taliban have separated the male family members and killed and took the women hostage. 

Dordana, her sister in law and the children fled after three nights being hostage in their homes in Mirza Olang village. 

NRC with support from ECHO have responded to the family with 28,000 AFS in order to cover the needs in terms of Shelter, fuel, electricity, health, and transportation.
Photo: NRC/Enayatullah Azad
Dordana, 47 år, har nu ansvar för 13 barn tillsammans med svägerskan, Marzia, 28 år. Foto: Enayatullah Azad/Flyktinghjälpen.

Kunde inte ens gråta

- Min dotter var så rädd att hon inte ens kunde gråta. Hon skakade bara, berättar Dordana, 47 år.

Dordana har nu ansvar för 13 barn tillsammans med svägerskan Marzia, 28 år. Deras män dödades.

Dordana, 47, and her sister-in-law, Marzia, 28, have left with thirteen children. All male family members even the seventeen-year-old Baqir were killed during the Mirza Olang attack on August 5. 

The armed militant group blocked the way while the family were fleeing from the village. The Taliban have separated the male family members and killed and took the women hostage. 

Dordana, her sister in law and the children fled after three nights being hostage in their homes in Mirza Olang village. 

NRC with support from ECHO have responded to the family with 28,000 AFS in order to cover the needs in terms of Shelter, fuel, electricity, health, and transportation.
Photo: NRC/Enayatullah Azad
Dordana, 47 år, och Marzia, 28 år, lyckades fly. Foto: Enayatullah Azad/Flyktninghjälpen.

Förlorat alla

- De tog min man, min bror, min svåger, min 90-årige far och min 17-årige son. Ingen av dem har återvänt.

Efter att ha hållits fångade av den beväpnade gruppen i tre nätter, lyckades Dordana och Marzia fly till provinshuvudstaden.

Thousands of men, women, girls and boys have been forced to flee from their homes in Mirza Olang of Northern Sar-e-pul province after the Taliban militants in coordination with armed groups affiliated to ISIS jointly carried out an operation to capture the valley. 
With support from ECHO, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) provided basic assistance to 457 families displaced from the assault on Mirza Olang in provincial capital Sar-e-pul city.
Photo: NRC/Enayatullah Azad
NRC hjälper tusentals människor på flykt från den väpnade gruppen i provinshuvudstaden Sar-e-Pul. Foto: Enayatullah Azad/Flyktninghjälpen.

Vi är på plats för att hjälpa

NRC hjälper tusentals människor på flykt i provinshuvudstaden Sar-e-Pul.

Med stöd från EU: s direktorat för humanitärt bistånd (ECHO) bidrar NRC till att hundratals familjer får skydd, bränsle och el.